5thQuest – The Card-deck

We are all made of stardust, eternally connected from the universal love of source. The time is now to remember that again. 5thQuest, a game and fabric of forces, times and dimensions, can support you to collect puzzle pieces and recognize the crystals on your path.

very conscious step you take, every waking thought that arises, will send out a vibration that will also remind others of the purity and clarity of home. You quickly walk the ancient route with like-minded people, the path to the temple of joy and happiness. Home..


Our Features

The Card-deck bevat:


55 archetypes, initiations that activate forces, reveal blind spots

The 7 Different Worlds

Personal, family, tribal, community, collective, galactic and universal levels

New Age Archetypes

Archetypes contain New Earth forces, appropriate for this time of transformation

Masculine and Femenine

The archetypes are divided between male and female forms of leadership

Block, Power and Siddi

Each card describes the blockage, power and higher potential

Ancient cultures

Archetypes contain keys to forgotten powers from ancient civilizations

Light and Shadow

The archetypes are divided into light (conscious) and shadow (unconscious) patterns

Insight and Healing

In addition to the fact that synchronicity provides the right information, it also creates healing on the themes

Different Game Variants

Different ways to play through layouts, exercises and system setups

Built to Last

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The story 5thQuest

It is the Quest of the inner child who has to pass through all kinds of gates in his or her quest for adulthood. Initiations that we have missed in our lives. This journey will bring many companions, old loyal friends, but also obstacles and tough life lessons. The young person symbolizes our purest self, our vulnerable self, who has to find his way in the world.

Do you dare to look deep into your soul and perhaps even further, into the depths of your organization? This game is not for the light-footed among us, it requires courage to take these inner steps.

But if you choose, magic and mystical wisdom are guaranteed!

See you on the other side….


The core team

Mapije de Wit

Mapije de Wit

Illustrator 5thQuest

Jan Pieter Schreur

Jan Pieter Schreur

Author 5thQuest

Reinier Maarschall

Reinier Maarschall

Developer 5thQuest