Our Missie

The major change underway today challenges us all to look at our resources and relationships in a new way. We are at the forefront of something new, which means we have to do something we haven’t done before…


Our sacred purpose

5thQuest has the sacred purpose of bringing transformation, healing and awareness to the leadership field. The shadows; unconscious forces become more visible than ever. They exist in us as individuals, in our family lines, companies and political institutions. It is tempting to fight against what is wrong:
But are you contributing to a solution in this way?

We believe in inclusivity and do not shy away from looking the darkness right in the face. But at the same time they invite you to take responsibility for your own part. Your personal relationship to something you are fighting against. Owning your process creates a bed of compassion. A sacred space in which darkness can melt…

Our values

All change starts within ourselves. And especially when you open up to shadow and unconscious forces, this requires a degree of overview and disconnection from the ego. As well as a space of compassion.

The game at its core is about self-reflection. Facing your deepest self. This self-knowledge also creates a safe space in your team or organization.

It takes courage to meet your deepest unconscious and therefore requires a few guidelines.


Core values

1. Overview - don't take anything personally

2. Be honest - radical transparency

3. Communication - share from your experience

4. Constructive - what is needed now?

5. Autonomy - does this empower you and the other?

6. Sustainable - does it add to our dream?

7. Inclusivity - is nothing left out?

“In stequiliniss invenitur”
in filth it will be found

New Earth

For who?

Open-minded (new earth) entrepreneurs

Open-minded (new earth) entrepreneurs

Revolutionary (new earth) organizations

Pioneering (new earth) initiatives